Two Months to go to your Wedding
Consult with the florist and the caterers and anyone else providing you with a service for your wedding.
Make appointments at the hairdresser for the bride and bridesmaids.
Finalize plans for the rehearsal dinner.
One Month to go to your Wedding
Finalize your wedding accessories, such as bridal gown, jewelry, shoes etc.
Confirm hotel booking for the wedding night, and the honeymoon.
Get your marriage license.
Send the invatations for the rehearsal dinner to those who are invited.
Two Weeks to go to your Wedding
Prepare wedding announcements. These will be sent a few days prior to the wedding.
Fill out change of address cards and drop these off at the relavent places.
Confirm all your bookings and arrangements with all the vendors, Florist, travel agent etc.
One Week to go to your Wedding
Confirm final head count and seating arrangements with caterer.
Meet with your photographer and DJ to confirm arrangements, and song list.
Get a friend to go through everything to make sure you haven't forgotten anything important such as the wedding rings.
The day before your Wedding
Hand the wedding rings to the care of the best man.
Attend the rehearsal dinner
Relax and have a good nights sleep
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